โœ๏ธProject design description (PDD)

A project design description (PDD) outlines the details of a project that aims to reduce or remove greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and issue carbon credits. The PDD is used to demonstrate that the project conforms to the requirements of the ICR requirement document and eligibility to issue carbon credits.

The PDD provides a comprehensive description of the project, including its objectives, scope, location, and technology used. It also includes a baseline scenario that describes the GHG emissions that would have occurred in the absence of the project, as well as an estimation of the expected emission reductions/removal resulting from the project operations.

Furthermore, the PDD provides details on the project's monitoring plan and reporting, which outlines how the project's GHG emissions will be measured, reported, and verified over the project's lifetime. This plan ensures that the project is monitored regularly and can issue ex-post carbon credits subject to verification that may be used for offsetting emissions.


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